
How to Create a Domain Name for Your New Blog?

Should you simply use a free blogging platform? Or should you go for a custom domain name?

People who are getting into blogging may find it easy to simply starting to publish articles on a free blogging platform, but very soon they would be fortunately enough to find out that does not get them to where they want. Less than a month most bloggers would regret the decision in the first place.

Is WordPress the right website builder?

Bloggers (who want to do it seriously) would sign up and buy an inexpensive web hosting plan from one of the reputable web hosting services that allows easy and quick WordPress installation. The simple reason is that WordPress is very much a standard platform or website build for new website development. Many free themes and plugins (to enhance their websites’ functionalities) are available all over the internet.

What about hosting?

At the same time they were choosing their hosting plan, they would have to register a custom domain name. But sometimes it is hard for anyone to come up with a good name to register as a domain name. Other times which is more often is that their ideal domain name has been registered by someone else, and it would take a fortune to buy it back.

Now the domain name

The methods to come up with the business or domain name include:

  • Remember back to day one when you went onto the Internet, and joined your first ever forum? You had a nickname or handle. Can it become your business name or domain name?
  • You should have a good idea who your competitors are. Get an idea from your competitors and their products. Do not have to copy them but can think about how they have come up with their brand name or product name in the first place.
  • Make lists of words that you believe would represent the qualities of your product you want to achieve.
  • Find an English word. Replace one or two letters. Or you can remove or add one or two letters. Try different combinations.
  • Use a name with 3 to 4 short English words, but still can represent the niche your business is into.
  • Create a total new word that no one has ever used before.
  • Simply just play with words. You may suddenly come up with good ideas. Or you will still end up with no idea after several weeks.

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